Rhonda Williams

Rhonda WililamsRhonda has a Master of Arts degree from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University and a Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) degree from Queen’s University. 
She is a member in good standing of the ICCRC. She served on the Board of Directors from February 2011 until November 2017. She was the first elected Chair of the Board of Directors and served on numerous ICCRC Standing Committees. 
Rhonda started her immigration career as a Visa Officer in 1990, serving for several years in overseas postings in several Asian countries. She has been an immigration consultant for over 20 years. 
Rhonda is a frequent public speaker on Canadian immigration matters in Canada and around the world. Rhonda is also the Executive Director of ImmSeminars, a CPD provider. She has been an instructor in the Practical Skills Module of the Certificate in Immigration: Laws, Policies and Procedures at the University of British Columbia since 2009.