Student Forms

Please contact the GDipICL Student Support team at prior to submitting a request  in order to work out a feasible study plan upon your return to the program and to equip you with the information you need in order to make an informed decision. 

Leave of Absence Request  

A graduate student can request and receive a leave of absence from their graduate studies for various reasons (e.g., maternity and parental, medical, compassionate, gender affirmation). Please see the regulation here: scroll to or, search for, Leaves of Absence.

To request a leave of absence from the program, please fill out this e-form here. Please note that this leave of absence request is separate and in addition to the one inactive term leave granted by the GDipICL program:

If you have questions about the leaves of absence requests (e.g., maternity and parental, medical, compassionate, gender affirmation), the e-form, or you require an alternate format of the form, please contact Monica Corbett (Director, Admission and Student Services, School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs) at 

Inactive Status Request

A student may request inactive status in order to discontinue studies temporarily for personal or other reasons for one term, without prejudice to their academic standing. A request for inactive status cannot be made for the first term of study.  

Course Add/ Drop Request  

Students are responsible for ensuring they are registered in the appropriate courses to meet GDipICL requirements. Adding and dropping courses have implications on study plans since not all ICL courses are offered each term, the length of study and graduation timelines, tuition fees, and course load.   

Study Status Change Request  

Students may request a change of study status from full-time to part-time or part-time to full-time.  

Time Limit Extension Request  

Some students may require an extension of these timelines. Typically, students will be granted an extension if there are extenuating circumstances accompanied by official documentation.

Withdrawal Request 

A student who withdraws from the GDipICL, whether voluntarily or as a result of a requirement to withdraw, is subsequently no longer considered to be enrolled in the GDipICL. 

Request for Academic Consideration for Extenuating Circumstances 

Request for Academic Consideration for Extenuating Circumstances

Academic Appeals

Appeal of Grades

Please refer to the Handbook of Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures section 6.1 for more information on the appeal of grades process.

Grade Appeal Form

Appeals Against Other Academic Decisions

Please refer to the Handbook of Academic Regulations, Policies and Procedures section 6.2 for more information on the appeal against other academic decisions process.

Appeals Against Academic Decisions