6-weeks intensive 

This course sets the stage for learning about Canadian immigration law and practice. The key building blocks of Canada’s immigration framework will be examined with a particular focus on the laws, case law, policies, and procedures associated with the various types of immigration status and stream. 

The course begins with an overview of the historical, theoretical, administrative law, constitutional and policy underpinnings of Canadian migration law. Students will be introduced to the key actors and institutions, the principal categories and classes of immigration, as well as the basic elements of immigration enforcement. The interplay between international human rights standards and domestic law will be canvassed with reference to the uses of international law in immigration advocacy. 

Students will also be introduced to legal terminology and legal reasoning; how to read and interpret case law and legislation; how to analyze legal issues; and the basics of persuasive oral advocacy.

To learn more about the intensive legal research and writing mini-course component of the Foundations course, please visit its page.

* Course summaries are subject to change.