Jack Wenhao Jin is the founder of Jin Immigration based in Vancouver, BC. Jack started to practice immigration law as a legal assistant in 2014 and then as a licensed RCIC since 2016. One of his specialized areas is economic immigration classes targeting individuals as well as business clients, as Jack believes that bringing in more specialized talents from overseas can make Canada more competitive in the long term. Jack’s other areas of interest include procedural fairness letter response, reconsideration request for failed applications, rehabilitations, accompanying port-of-entry examinations, and hearings at Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB). He has helped many clients reignite their hopes to come to Canada after unsuccessful ventures.
Prior to acquiring UBC’s Certificate in Immigration: Laws, Policies and Procedures (CILPP), Jack held a Bachelor’s degree in English literature, and gained two years of post-secondary teaching experience at University of Victoria, where he earned his Master’s degree in Asian Studies in 2012. His academic research and publications have been focusing on the dynamic relationship between literature and the society.